2023/2024 Membership Levels
5,000$TOP Level Community InvestorValid for 12 months- Includes ALL Membership Benefits PLUS:
- One (1) Booth space or table at ALL Main Street events
- Name & Logo listed as TOP LCI at ALL Main Street events
- Ten (10) VIP Access Tickets to ALL Main Street events
- Logo prominently displayed on home page of NPRMS website
1,000$HIGH Level Community InvestorValid for 12 months- Includes Meighan, Sarazen, Clark benefits PLUS:
- One (1) advertisement highlighted in four (4) NPR Podcast
- Name & logo listed as HIGH LCI at two (2) Main Street events
- Four (4) VIP Access to two (2) Main Street selected events
- Logo displayed on NPRMS website as HIGH LCI
- Private event for TOP and HIGH level community investors
150$Business Investor - Operating INSIDE of the NPR Downtown DistrictValid for 12 months- Includes Sarazen and Clark PLUS:
- One (1) Spotlight business post on NPRMS social media
- One (1) NPR podcast priority guest spot
- Logo displayed on NPRMS website as Business Investor
300$Business Investor - Operating OUTSIDE of the NPR downtown districtValid for 12 months- Includes Clark PLUS:
- Name and logo displayed on NPRMS website Business Directory
- Promotion of your events on NPRMS social media platforms
- Promotion of your events on NPRMS social media
- Ability to have first event sponsorship opportunities
50$Resident InvestorValid for 12 months- A voice in important decisions affecting the Downtown area
- Contributes to the revitalization efforts of Main Street
- Main Street email updates on news & opportunities
- Discounted tickets to NPRMS events
Why Main Street Matters?
In the past, the word "downtown" brought to mind an image of a bustling center of commerce and activity. Too often today, the images are of vacant, deteriorating buildings. In Florida, communities like ours have discovered that with the help of New Port Richey Main Street, downtown can thrive again. We encourage economic development and is dedicated to bringing jobs, dollars and people back to Florida’s historic districts.
Why Support Main Street?
Creates jobs……..A revitalized district attracts new industry and strengthens service and retail job markets.
Saves tax dollars…..Revitalization stabilizes and improves the area’s tax base, while also protecting existing investments.
Preserves the community’s historic resources…………In an economically healthy downtown, property owners can afford to maintain their historic buildings and preserve an important part of the community’s heritage.
Builds community pride……Main Street provides a public space for members from all areas of the community to come together, create new partnerships, and celebrate their downtown.